"Human beings are of two classes: those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and those whose work and pleasure are one." - Sir Winston Churchill "Your work is to discover your work - and then with all your heart to give yourself to it" - Buddha These quotes came in front of me while working on an exhibition for Lyne Parent at Galerie Blanche in Montreal and they totally explain how it was. This show took over two years to plan and produce. One of my big draws is water - I was born near water and have lived near a body of water almost all my life. I can be seduced by a small stream, mesmerized by marshlands big or small, comforted by all the sounds, and totally blown away with the wind along the ocean. The emotions are endless. I must have gone through a hundred ideas before I came up with the theme "Where Land Meets Water and Sky". I now had a theme, but I needed to make a decision on where this journey would take me. I decided it would begin in Ontario, continue through Quebec and move out to the East Coast. Because the exhibition was in Quebec, I felt it was important to include this amazing province. I had been to Quebec many times, but it was mainly to visit family or have time with good friends. It was important for me to see more of the land so Guy and I decided to take a trip up the St. Lawrence. First we went as far north as Sept Isles along Cote Nord and then crossed over on the ferry from Godbout to Matane. From there we toured around the Gaspe. The trip was invigorating. We came back with over 6000 pictures. Editing was an enormous task. This was an exhausting but exhilarating time for me. I have never worked this hard in my life. I didn't ever want it to end. This was just the first of many more of these exciting times to come. "As you work, the mood grows on you....The excitement and possibilities are in the working and can only come in the working." - Francis Bacon |
I am a contemporary landscape painter working with oils on canvas. I paint places I see and document the land with a camera.
I am inspired by the landscape. I'm especially excited by fields - wild or cultivated, wetlands, coastal waters, streams, rolling hills and countryside. My husband Guy and I travel a lot, and our trips are usually based on finding subject matter for my work. When I'm out photographing I lose all track of time. I see places that excite me and my heart beats so fast I almost lose my breath; I feel a spiritual tranquility when I'm there. It nourishes my soul. I find it an enormous responsibility to paint a field, a stream, a place, and do it justice. How can you paint something that takes your breath away? How is it possible to recreate the moment?
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Copyright 2018 Carol Kapuscinsky - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |